I was over my friends house this evening…

Although I don’t eat meat, I know other people do. And obviously, animals do. I was over my friends house, and she just got a new puppy. He was absolutely adoreable. My friend Amanda was trying to teach Otis some tricks. Or at least training him to sit, speak and roll over. I asked her how she was doing it and getting him to do what she wanted. She told me she would say the word “SIT” or “ROLL OVER” and push his butt down while she did it. And she would repeat it and repeat it until he would do it on his own. At that point, she would reward him with a dog bone treat. It was that easy!

So I grabbed the bag of Nylabone Dog Treats, and tried it myself! He didn’t do it for me, but he was sure excited to get a snack made out of highly digestible natural ingredients. Amanda told me that her vet recommended Nubz treats help clean her puppy’s teeth. They also promote fresh breath and healthy gums, and reduce tartar. I was relieved to hear that they are made in the USA and are made with real chicken, with no added sugar, salt, or preservatives. That means they can be bought easily at your local Costco.

Our pets definitely deserve the best, so try Nylabone treats for your dog today!

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