I was over my friends house this evening…

Although I don’t eat meat, I know other people do. And obviously, animals do. I was over my friends house, and she just got a new puppy. He was absolutely adoreable. My friend Amanda was trying to teach Otis some tricks. Or at least training him to sit, speak and roll over. I asked her [...]

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Vegetarian in San Francisco

Wow, really have been neglecting this.
I just haven’t had time, and I am STILL waiting for my charger. Do you believe that?
Asus customer service is so god awful. Never again, not worth it!
Well, I went to San Francisco August 16th-19th. I didn’t have a chance to get to a vegetarian restaurant but there is always [...]

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Vegetarian Chinese Food

I’ve seen a lot of chinese restaurants that offer vegetarian dishes. Meanings, bean curd, tempeh, tofu…etc. All veggies.
But I have never seen a chinese food restaurant cook or make dishes with soy chicken or other soy products.
I would love to have some soy sesame chicken. I did some research online and it seems there are [...]

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