One of my own original recipes, Garlic Smashed Cheddar Mashed Potatoes.

Today I thought I would share with you all one of my own recipes!

Garlic Smashed Cheddar Mashed Potatoes

Idaho or Russet Potatoes
Clove of garlic
Tbs Olive Oil
Fresh Basil
Salt and Pepper
Stick of butter*
1/4 Cup of Milk*
Splash of Half and Half*
1/2 cup of Shredded Cheddar Cheese*
Bread Crumbs

*You can use more or less, depending on your diet or what you [...]

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Falafel fun!

I think it would be a good idea for me to make a post listing all my favorite vegetarian brands. I think by tomorrow I will have a new recipe up here.  am in the mood for some falafel so let’s see what I can do with that. Either I find a recipe online or [...]

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Sesame Chicken Roll Up Wrap!

So I was on Twitter this morning and Gardein, updated asking us our favorite dipping sauces to their soy Crispy Chicken Tenders. I enjoy Gardein’s products so much. They are tasty, and you can do a lot with them when cooking. Personally, my favorite dipping sauces are ranch, barbecue and honey mustard. That post got [...]

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Summer plans…

Last summer wasn’t too eventful for me. Well actually these are some highlights…
Summer 2009

Mom had knee surgery
Economics summer class
Went to NYC a few times; saw Jon Stewart
Vacation to Chincoteague Island in Virginia

I want to do a bit more with my time this summer. I do have a job now, but I won’t let that stop [...]

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Why I am a vegetarian…

A lot of people are surprised when they find out that I am a vegetarian. And most of the time they ask me, “How do you eat?” or “Why did you decide to stop eating meat?” I get these questions a lot, as I am sure any vegetarian would. I stopped eating meat for a [...]

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Recipe #1 – Miso Soup

Hi there. My name is Katie and I am an Advertising major and Communication Studies minor at Rowan University. I am 22 years old and I live in Central New Jersey.  Many things interest me and cooking just happens to be something I enjoy doing. My favorite food would definitely be Japanese food.  Japanese food [...]

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